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You are warmly invited to join us in a celebration of Summer Seasonal Qi, June 22, 2024, online at 10 am

Summer is the season when nature expands, bursting with mature fruit, abundance, and color. There’s a joy and happy energy in summer that is contagious.

Fire is the element of summer and directs us to shine our unique Self in this world. It helps bring us to our heights, moving us to the fulfillment of our plans & dreams. Fire expands outward and up, teaching us how to move from the heart
out into our world.

The heart and small intestines are the organs represented in this season. When we are balanced in summer, joy, love and contentment are present. When we are out of balance, we may find ourselves scattered, insecure or discouraged. It might look like a schedule that’s too full, as we try to fit in way more than the hours allow. Or perhaps skipping meals and exercise routines because of sudden inspiration for something else.

In summer we are encouraged to balance Fire within us and to enjoy abundance. We invite you to join our Team members in Summer Seasonal Qi to learn and move in ways that fulfill.

Please join us Saturday June 22nd, 2024, at 10 am for our online Seasonal Qi.

This 60-minute Zoom Seasonal Qi event is free. However, you must register to receive the Zoom link.

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